Sleep is More Important than You Know

When you begin to understand the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, you can then begin to know when you’re sleeping well and when you’re not. You become more aware of your sleep habits, your body’s needs and the effects of

How many hours of sleep do we need?

See how many hours of sleep do you need based on your age.

not sleeping enough. In fact, in studies of humans and other animals, they have discovered that sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions.

It may seem somewhat obvious to you that sleep is beneficial. No one will argue with that. Even without fully grasping what sleep does for us, we know that going without sleep for too long makes us feel terrible, and that getting a good night’s sleep can make us feel ready to take on the world.

Are you getting enough sleep? And how much sleep is enough sleep? Does it vary by age? The answer is that many of us are not getting enough sleep for whatever reason. Sleep loss and even poor-quality sleep can lead to an increase in errors at the workplace, decreased productivity, mood changes and negative effects on your relationships. To know just how much sleep you truly need, we have a graphic which will break it down for you – How Much Sleep Do You Need. Adults need 7.5-9 hours of sleep each night and this is below what many of us actually get. Teens require 8.5-10 hours each night and we know this is probably not the case for the majority, especially with the temptation of technology and social media.

What happens if you try to sleep, but you cannot? That is where we come in. We can start by doing a sleep test and diagnosing why it is that you are not sleeping enough. Asking us why you cannot sleep is the first step in fixing the problem. There are many reasons that you may not be sleeping enough, some of which include too late caffeine consumption, sleep apnea, Restless Leg Syndrome and many more.

So you know you are not getting enough sleep, but what effect is being had on your daily life? Well, in the short term, a lack of adequate sleep can affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury. In the long term, chronic sleep deprivation may lead to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early mortality.

Awareness can help you improve your sleep habits and in turn your safety. If you or someone you know is not getting the amount of sleep recommended by the graphic, we encourage you to come visit our sleep center and learn more about what we can do together to improve the amount and the quality of your sleep. Life is exhausting enough without getting too little sleep. Sleep more and live better with a little help from our doctors and staff.

What to Expect During a Sleep Study

Sleep studies are an important tool used to conclusively diagnose a sleeping disorder. Doctors will often recommend a patient have a sleep study performed if it is suspected that they might suffer from sleep apnea, narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia, restless leg syndrome, sleep related seizures or some other form of sleep disorder. There are several different types of sleep studies that are conducted, but the most common is the polysomnogram (PSG), which is used to help diagnose sleep apnea, sleep-related seizures and restless leg syndrome.
What to expect during a sleep study
During a PSG, you will usually stay overnight in a sleep center; the nurses or technicians will make the room as comfortable as possible and answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding the test. Once you are settled in bed, adhesive patches with sensors, called electrodes, will then be placed on various parts of your body, typically on the scalp, chest, face, arms, legs and a finger. Elastic belts will also be placed around the chest and abdomen to measure chest expansion and the strength and duration of inhaled and exhaled breaths.

The wires attached to the electrodes are very thin and flexible, and are bundled together so you can move about fairly easily, without feeling uncomfortable or overwhelmingly restricted. As you sleep, the electrodes record brain activity, eye movements, heart rate, heart rhythm, blood pressure and blood oxygen levels. This data is then transmitted to a monitor in another room where the technicians are able to monitor your sleep patterns.

If you show symptoms of sleep apnea during the procedure, it may be decided to transfer your PSG into a split-night sleep study. During a split-night sleep study, you will continue to sleep the first half of the night and then be woken up so you can be fitted with a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) mask. A CPAP machine is a small machine that softly blows air into the mask, creating pressure that helps to keep your airway open during sleep.

The technician will periodically check how you are sleeping with the CPAP mask, while continuing to monitor all the same vitals as during the beginning of the PSG. They will then make air flow adjustments as needed or exchange the mask to achieve optimum breathing results and to get the most comfortable fit.

Once the sleep study is complete, the electrodes will be removed and you will be able to go home. Your test will then be carefully evaluated, and a sleep specialist will consult with your doctor to determine a diagnosis. If you are found to have some sort of sleep disorder, your doctor will discuss the right treatment options for you.

Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea… you’ve heard it talked about, know people who have been diagnosed with it, and considering how tired you have been lately maybe you Sleep Apneaare wondering if YOU could possibly have this condition. Sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder, and it is estimated that more than 42 million Americans suffer from some form of it; but how can you tell if you are one of those affected?

The three most common signs of obstructive sleep apnea are:

• Excessive sleepiness or lack of energy during the day
• Loud and insistent snoring
• Long pauses in breathing often accompanied with gasping while sleeping

While these are the most common symptoms, and most people with sleep apnea have them, they are not the only warning signs. Sleep apnea is also linked to hypertension (high blood pressure), frequent nighttime urination, waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat, depression, excessive weight or obesity and a chronic morning headache.

It is possible for anyone to develop this sleep disorder, however there are some individuals who have an increased risk of developing sleep apnea:

• Males over the age of 40
• Being overweight
• A family history of sleep apnea
• Having allergies
• Having a large neck or tongue
• Have any sort of nasal obstruction or sinus problem

The only way to positively determine if you have sleep apnea is to have a sleep study done. However, the first step we recommend to anyone who thinks they might be suffering from a sleep disorder is to take our online assessment. Depending on your results, you might then be prompted to follow up with a sleep study.

During a sleep study, we will record multiple biological functions while the patient is sleeping; we will monitor such things are brain wave activity, eye movement, muscle tone, heart rhythm and breathing via electrodes and monitors placed on the head, chest and legs. After the sleep study is completed, our team of doctors will be able to accurately diagnose whether or not a patient does in fact have a sleep apnea or some other type of sleep disorder.

There are several approaches to treating sleep disorders; it might be as simple as a few lifestyle changes such as losing weight or avoiding alcohol. In more severe cases however, a patient may be given medication, oxygen or a device called continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP). If you or a loved one thinks they might have a sleep disorder, don’t wait to have it checked out. Individuals with undiagnosed sleep apnea often go on to develop more serious conditions such as depression or diabetes and they also have an increased risk of strokes and heart attacks among other problems.

Warning! You Could be Suffering From a Sleep Disorder

Do you go through the day feeling unrested or groggy, even after a full night’s sleep? Are you constantly relying on caffeine or energy drinks to make it through the day? Do you have trouble staying awake during sedentary activities like watching TV, sitting down to read or riding in a vehicle? Don’t just write these symptoms off as stress or an uncomfortable mattress. A sleep assessment or a sleep study can help you and your doctor determine if you have an underlying sleep disorder that is causing your tiredness.

We all have days where we feel like we are dragging; maybe we stayed up too late or had to get up too early, however those days should be the exception to the rule – not the norm. It is estimated that over 40 million people in the United States suffer from some sort of sleep disorder and often don’t even realize it.

When our bodies are sleep deprived due to a chronic sleep disorder, they can’t function properly. It doesn’t take long before we start noticing the effects; depression, lack of mental acuity, weight gain and impaired judgment are just a few problems attributed to sleep deprivation. Sleep disorders also put you at risk for some more serious complications such as heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.

The most common sleep disorder is sleep apnea, currently affecting more than 18 million people here in the US. It is not the only type of sleep disorder however; insomnia, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy and sleepwalking round out the top five. There are actually more than 85 different types of sleep disorders, ranging from mild to life threatening, which makes being properly screened critical to developing a correct diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.

If you or a loved one think you might be suffering from a sleep disorder, take a minute to fill out our online assessment. Early detection and treatment of sleep disorders have been associated with significant improvements in emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing. Even a mild decrease in the quality of your sleep can considerably impact your life, so don’t wait to be tested and treated!