Do you have signs of a sleep disorder?

When you do not get enough sleep at night, it can have serious effects on your overall health, too. Knowing the signs of a sleep disorder can help you live a better and healthier life. According to WebMD, mental alertness and a lack of headaches aren’t the only cues of how they’re handling sleep deprivation. Skipping sleep has been linked to less-obvious problems (think headaches and even life-threatening ones and earlier death). Sometimes we choose to not get enough sleep and other times it seems to be out of our control.  But what we can choose to do is to learn the most common signs of a sleep disorder and know who to contact if we find ourselves living the signs each day. These take place when you:

  •  Are still exhausted in the morning.
  • You snore while you sleep.
  • You often sleep during the day.
  • You have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep at night or suffer from insomnia.

Sleep isn’t the only issue you have but some other existing health condition is making it even more difficult to sleep now. These issues go hand in hand and affect one another.

Lack of sleep due to a sleep disorder can also create issues with memory, cognition, reaction, alertness, learning, social and professional relationships, mood and some serious cardiac conditions. Whether social, emotional or physical the effects, all collectively grow in risk when we do not get enough sleep due to a sleep disorder. You are not alone, though. 40 percent of American adults are sleep-deprived; the average American sleeps less than seven hours per night during the week. Meanwhile, 70 percent of adolescents also fall behind the recommended amount.

Why? There are so many reasons for this. One of our goals is to take the knowledge and expertise of our team of professionals who include Board Certified Sleep Specialists, Pulmonologists, Respiratory Therapists, and Polysomnographic Technicians. We can diagnose and treat multiple sleep disorders and have you living a better life just by improving the amount and the quality of your sleep. In the world we live in, we are constantly on the go. Remember that sleep is important and by monitoring the signs and symptoms of a sleep disorder, you could add years or reduce the risk of serious health issues down the road.